3 Secrets About Green Eco-Friendly Cleaning.

We can all guess the benefits of green and eco-friendly cleaning. Our homes are not full of toxins, a healthier planet, protecting the health of all those under your roof...whether they have two or four legs! There are a few facts that are not as well known:

Scientists say it can take up to 50 YEARS for dioxins to disappear from the soil! With green cleaning, there is no worry about that cleaner that is going down the drain after a tub scrub!

Indoor air pollution is eliminated with eco-friendly cleaning products! When conventional cleaners are used, they generally have (VOCs) Volatile Organic Compounds. These are left lingering in the home long after they've been used. Breathe deep and choose not to pollute your in-home air!

Using green and eco-friendly cleaners will fill you with pride, knowing you're doing something for the Earth and all those under your roof! Helping the Earth and the future of the next generation is nothing to nod at.

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." ~ Native American Proverb


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